Sheridan College

Print copy, sub-brand strategy, website & landing page copy, video scripts, ad copy

What did I do for Sheridan College? A better question would be: what didn’t I do? During my years working at, and then with, Kaldor Brand Strategy & Design, Sheridan College was our primary client, with a number of print, digital, video and interactive projects on the docket each year. The fun thing about working with Sheridan was that they were branded as Canada’s Creative Campus. In order to walk the talk, they allowed us to take some big creative swings and do things we’d never done before. I acted not just as strategist and copywriter. I was also ‘story sleuth,’ video producer, stealth midnight operation coordinator, and more. Below are just a few of the deliverables I wrote copy for during my years partnering with Sheridan College, in collaboration with my friends at Kaldor.


Power to Give


Simon Fraser University